Top 5 Recommended Readings for PBL Teachers Part 2

So, I finally got this done and I’ll continue with the top three readings that I just found extremely useful in my teaching last year.

3. The Innovators’ DNA: by J. Dyer, H. Gregersen and C. Christensen

I rarely recommend books that I have not read yet, but this one is actually on my list to read next so I am recommending it because everything about it just feels right to me.  Again, this is not an education book, but a book that is really for business people.  The research that was done in preparation for writing this book was looking to see what characteristics people who are viewed as transformative innovators in the business world all share.  The authors have come up with five major traits or behaviors that innovators share –

  1. associating
  2. questioning
  3. observing
  4. experimenting
  5. networking

You can read a wonderful summary of this book at this link, but I would highly recommend the book as well.  It is our job as progressive educators and teachers of PBL to teach these skills.  If it isn’t obvious to us already, as PBL teachers, I’ll say it again – that PBL is custom-made for teaching these types of skills which clearly is what this book is stating employers are now looking for.

One thing that I do not read enough of is how PBL encourages the skill of associating.  I write a lot about this in my blog and researched it in my dissertation.  In fact, connection is one of the main themes that came out in my research that students enjoyed about PBL.  The skill of associating is a major skill that is extremely important to innovation and in fact, Steve Jobs in quoted as saying, “Creativity is connecting things.”  Allowing students to practice making those connections themselves is key in order for students to practice their own creativity, especially in mathematics.

2. The Five Elements of Effective Thinking by Ed Burger and Michael Starbird

This little gem, published in 2012, was the focus of Ed Burger’s key note address at the 2012 NCTM Annual conference.  He actually didn’t try to sell the book too much, but focused on the idea of teaching effective thinking (so then, yeah, I went and bought the book – what can I say, he’s a great speaker).  As I was reading through it, all I could think about was how relevant it was to teaching mathematics with PBL.  If every student in a PBL classroom took to heart every one of the five elements that are put forth in this book, the classroom would be so much more effective (as would any classroom).

So Burger and Starbird but forth these five elements of effective thinking:

  1. Understand Deeply
  2. Make Mistakes
  3. Raise Questions
  4. Follow the Flow of Ideas
  5. Change (which they call the Quintessential Element)

So, you might ask – what’s so great about those?  I know this?  Well, it’s not those five that are so great – if you are a PBL teacher you probably are already telling your students these already.  What I think is so great about this book are the pieces of advice that Burger and Starbird give for each of these five elements.  In each chapter, these are not only examples from their own teaching but actual ways to promote each of these elements not only individually but in your classroom as well.  The anecdotes that are shared in the book are not only heart-warming but as a teacher you can see how you can make them useful in your own practice.

The combination of deliberately stating these five (and adding CHANGE as the most important) is really key for PBL.  Students may know that you want them to understand deeply and in order for them to do that they need to raise questions about their own understanding, but if you don’t constantly and deliberately create a culture for them and you in your classroom it is not a message they will receive seriously.

And the best book, that I would highly recommend reading:

  1. A New Culture of Learning, by Douglas Thomas and John Seely Brown

This book, in my opinion, is what PBL is all about.  Whether you teach in a school that uses a problem-based curriculum, uses text books and is trying projects, or if you are just trying to create a more student-centered approach to your teaching – this book is getting at the heart of what is creating a change in our schools nationwide.  It is why there is a huge movement going on with teachers in our nation trying to find something different to do in their classrooms.  Thomas and Brown describe this movement as a shift from a “teaching-centered culture” in our nation’s schools to a “learning-centered culture” which may be the most important shift in education since organized schooling began in the U.S. altogether.

This shift is based on the idea that knowledge is flexible (yes, the idea of Truth with the capital T does not exist – shhhh, don’t tell anyone).  Even in mathematics, the way that we solve problems and even the mathematics that we teach students – which topics are “most important” today- is changing rather regularly.  This has become so much more clear and visible because of not only the Internet itself, but our access to it.  Thomas and Brown suggest that we must be willing to admit that what is most important about education now is not what we teach in schools, but how students learn.  Can a student learn in the collective? Are they able to harness different modes of inquiry?  Do they experiment in their learning? This shift in the purpose of schooling is not really new to teachers but to our society it is major.  Teachers need to learn how to make this switch and articulate the deliberateness of what they are doing in their classroom in order to focus on the shift. (By the way, this also has major ramifications for teacher educators).

 I love the five dispositions that will help construct the new culture of learning (very applicable to a PBL environment!)

  1. Keep an eye on the bottom line (ultimate goal is to improve)
  2. Understand the power of diversity (strongest teams are rich mix of talents and abilities)
  3. Thrive on change (create, manage, seek out change)
  4. See learning as fun (reward is converting new knowledge into action)
  5. Live on the edge (explore radical alternatives and innovative strategies, discover insights)

All of this is so relatable to my own classroom and curriculum.  The more I create problems and experiences that allow my students do have these dispositions, the more I know that I am fostering the “culture of learning” instead of a traditional culture of “teaching.”

So that’s it.  My top 5 list of readings for PBL teachers – please let me know what you think and if you end up utilizing any of these authors’ ideas.  I know that I have been invigorated by these readings and hope that you will be as well!  Have a happy and fulfilling 2014!

Top 5 Recommended Readings for PBL Teachers of 2013 Part 1

Happy New Year!  It’s been a busy end of 2013 for me.  I’ve been doing a lot of reading and catching up with some writing.  So, the New York Times came out with their top 75 Best-Selling Education Books of 2013 and some of them are really great reads and some are just books that are commercially hyped education jargon.  I’ll let you read it for yourself and see which you think are which.  But this inspired me to think about what I would recommend as great reading for PBL teachers in terms of mathematics.  It’s not always easy to get inspired to continue with PBL so I am always on the look-out for good reads and things that might help me to find ways to motivate students in the classroom.  I also hate those lists from articles that seem to have all the answers but then when you read them nothing is ever really black and white like “To Flip or Not to Flip: that is the Question” or “5 Resolutions to Modernize Your Teaching For 2014” or “Top 100 Tools for Learning in 2014” – geez, does anyone just write about one thing anymore?  Or even give critical analysis of why these are the reasons to flip, or an argument as to the top 100 tools – anyone can make a list.

Including me!  So here goes nothing – well, I mean something.  I tried to put together some good reading that emphasizes the skills that are needed for working with students in a problem-based classroom.  One of the things I hear most from teachers is not necessarily how to work with the curriculum, but how to get students working with each other and how to foster the type of classroom community (curiosity, openness and risk-taking) that is needed in order for students to want to be engaged.

5. The Mistake Manifesto: How Making Mistakes Can Make Us Better by Alina Tugend, 2011.

I first came across Tugend’s writing when I read her Op-Ed piece in the NY Times while ago, but this essay on making mistakes says so much about Tugend’s great attitude towards how mistakes are not only helpful, but are a wiser and more powerful way of learning.  She says that “we do single-loop learning when we need to do double-loop learning.”  I love that and I believe that PBL’s  method of returning to ideas in its scaffolded and multi-topic approach often allows students to revisit ideas multiple times.  Tugend talks about how most of our society creates a fear of making mistakes because we have this idea that we aren’t supposed to make mistakes.  This is in turn makes us all risk-averse unfortunately and only allows the most unstructured students and learners to be creative innovators.  This is what we have to turn around.  Her manifesto doesn’t necessarily tell us how to do this, but it’s a wonderful argument for why we should.

4. Flow, by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, 1990

This book’s original intent was to investigate the psychological experience of happiness, however this past year it became connected for me to the process of problem-based learning.  OK, so this book is not from 2013 – or even from the past few years, but what happened in 2013, is that I read an article that sent me to this book.  The article was called “The Problem-Based Learning Process as finding and being in Flow” by Terry Barrett and it discussed the concept of ‘flow’ (from Csikszentmihalyi’s book) and compared the PBL process (the discourse that occurs, the exchange of ideas and that learning process itself) to the optimization of creativity that occurs in the ‘flow’ process.  In this book, Csikszentmihalyi defines ‘flow’ as “the state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter.  The experience itself is so enjoyable that people will do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it.”(Csikszentmihalyi, p.4).  Wouldn’t that be great if that’s the way students viewed learning?  One way to see it is like this:


(Barrett, 2013)

The idea being that the state of flow in learning comes when the optimal problem or activity is presented to students such that the difficulty and time or skills given keeps their interest long enough to minimize anxiety and maximize love of learning and the return on their learning (reinforcement of confidence, efficacy, enjoyment, agency, etc.).   A lot of the book is based on the idea of the state of flow helping to create the optimal state of happiness so it might not relate directly to teaching, but I highly recommend the last two chapters which are entitled “Creating Chaos” and “The Making of Meaning” which can be directly translated to the PBL classroom and are highly useful for the PBL teacher looking to see how you can create the state of flow for your students.

Tomorrow I will catch up with numbers two and three! (hopefully get you #1 as well)

Buyer Beware…when using rubrics for critical thinking skills

One of my goals in my work is often to help classroom mathematics teachers to be more deliberate in the ways in which they assess problem solving.  Although many people can be cynical about rubrics, I think that students can find them at least helpful to know what a teacher expects of them.  I have some students who told me that they pull out my rubric for grading journal writing almost every time they go to write a journal entry this fall.

However, a rubric that is vague and ambiguous about expectations can cause more harm than good.  Just throwing a rubric around that students can look at, or one that you can post on your website that you can show an administrator and say, “See, I have a rubric for that” isn’t necessarily a good thing.  Especially for problem solving.  Problem solving as a process is a very difficult thing to nail down for students especially in terms of the levels of how they can improve in their work.

I recently ran across this rubric that posted on a website under the title “Awesome Problem Solving Rubric for Teachers.”

Is this an “Awesome Rubric” for teachers?

As I read through this, at first glance the categories look pretty good – Identify the problem, identify relevant information, analyze the problem, use strategies and reflect on the process.  Sounds like a pretty standard problem solving process –very similar in many ways to Polya’s process or the steps that Jo Boaler discussed in her online course How to Learn Math this summer.

The graded level descriptors of how a student might be able to see where their work “fits” in the rubric seems to only put the behaviors on a “continuum” of Always- sometimes- never instead of trying to describe actions that the student could do that describe a mediocre way of using a strategy.    For example, analyzing a problem can be so much more descriptive than just “I think carefully” about the problem before a student starts.

They could:

1. listen deliberately to others’ ideas and reflect on them in writing or verbally

2. question the given information of a problem – does it make sense in a realistic way?

3. think about the representations they can come up with for the problem – does a graphical approach make the most sense?  Why?  Would making a geometric representation be better, if so why?

4.  In comparing a new problem to ones I’ve already done, can I list the similarities and differences?  What is this question asking that others I’ve done not asked?

How many students can really ascertain what “thinking carefully” about a problem is?  I have found that more and more we need to erase as much ambiguity as possible to help students learn to be critical thinkers.  As we feel the need to teach critical thinking, reasoning skills and sense making, it is even more imperative to have rubrics that are as precise as possible.

Now, I don’t claim that mine are perfect, but my rubrics and student feedback forms have gotten some pretty good reviews from teachers and successful feedback from students.  I work on them every summer and am continually editing in order to be more deliberate about the feedback I give my students.

I also highly recommend the rubrics from the Buck Institute Website under their “tools” category.  I also adapted one of their critical thinking rubrics that was aligned to the Common Core and changed it directly for my PBL curriculum – more for presentation of problems and novel problem solving.  I’m still working on it because I have to think about exemplars for what would be above standards, but let me know if you have any feedback.

Critical Thinking rubric for PBL

So, I would just warn anyone to beware of “awesome rubrics” for teachers that they find on the internet because something that might seem awesome at first glance might end up doing more harm than good.

A New Year…Now What Do You Do?

OK, Carmel, enough with the summer of blogging about all this theory and ideas about teaching.  School is starting, we’ve committed to teaching with PBL – ack, things are starting to come into focus, huh?  I’m getting all these emails with questions about writing journals and dealing with parents and how to put things into action.  I’m right there with you guys….it’s Saturday and I’m having a workshop with two of my colleagues who have dedicated their time this year to teaching Geometry with me and PBL for the first time.  I’m so excited!

So I’ve put together a few documents that I think might be helpful.  The first one I’m posting here: Advice for Students Transitioning to PBL

This document is a list of quotes from actual students from years of teaching with PBL.  You can give it out if you like – maybe not on the first day, but after a few weeks – once your kids can relate.  I had kids at the end of the year write down advice to students at the beginning of the year, so that they would know how they will eventually feel.  That in the end, they will know that it’s worth it.  It’s actually kind of helpful for students to know that all of their hard work pays off.

The second document I also have posted under Metacognitive Journaling – it is a sheet that I give out about journaling and explains my expectations to students.  If you are considering assigning journals and having students use journals, this might be a good place to start for you.Keeping a Journal for Math Class

I also have written up a sheet that I call Teacher Cheat Sheet on PBL which includes some talking points for you to use when (maybe I should say “if”) you get resistance from parents.  I believe I also have an old blogpost about talking to parents too.  The initial first few months of using PBL is often very difficult, especially if your school had a traditional curriculum.  Please feel free to contact me for advice or feedback.  Honestly, what I have found most helpful is a very supportive administration and department chair and allowing parents to come and observe classes.  Don’t be nervous, because once they see that real mathematics is going on in the classroom, they become more confident in the learning.  Of course, the teachers need to feel confident in the learning process themselves before you allow the observations, but once they feel the culture of the classroom has meshed it should be fine.

Please feel free to get in touch if you have questions during this transition period and also remember that I do school visits.  Have a great beginning of the year!

The Downside of Naming “Feminine” Traits

I recently read this article from the Harvard Business Review stating that “Feminine” Values Can Give Tomorrow’s Leaders an Edge.   A study was done asking 64,000 people from over 13 countries all over the world for the traits, skills and competencies that were perceived to be appreciated in leaders in the world of business and leadership.  The conclusions (from statistical modeling) that the analysts came to were that tomorrow’s leaders must overwhelmingly learn to have what our culture has defined to be “feminine” traits.  Here’s the list of the survey said were the top 10 desired traits for modern leaders:


I don’t disagree with these traits, honestly, and as a feminist it actually excites me that the values that I work to foster in the classroom are being valued in the boardroom and society in general (Dewey would be proud too).  However, something that is troubling me is the ever-popular dichotomy that is being set up here that seems to always be at the heart of many issues that rise in our society.  Something I wrote about in my dissertation and any time I talk about Relational Pedagogy is the idea of breaking down this concept of masculine vs. feminine thinking, not only in mathematics or education, but in human relations altogether.

I will be the first person to motivate and encourage young women in the STEM fields or take a young boy who likes cooking and say, “you, go guy” and hand him an apron – but that is about individualism and allowing young people to be who they want to be and feel empowered.  In my classroom, allowing students to see multiple perspectives and have their voice heard whether they are male or female is entirely my top priority because they are individuals and their relationship with mathematics is unique.  For a long time in math education, the ideas in this study were how young girls were viewed – researchers thought that if we just saw how girls were different from boys that we could see why they weren’t “doing as well” as boys.  However, we saw that they were doing just as well.

So my problem with this study is not the fact that women will be empowered to become leaders in business – no, that’s really exciting to me.  In fact, maybe some men will see the potential in women and decide to hire more women in the future and this will create more jobs for women and this will in turn, create a more equitable workplace and more favorable working conditions, which will then create more exciting options for business situations because of the fact that different perspectives are being looked at with such different views being taken in problem solving in business.  That is extremely exciting to me!

However, my problem with this study is this.  In order to make such radical changes in how people view gender differences in our society we really need to stop making such huge oppositional statements.  In support of this view, Mendick (2005) stated

By aligning separate-ness with masculinity and connected-ness with femininity, these approaches feed the oppositional binary patterning of our thinking and in the final analysis reiterate it (p 163).

If we just continue to point out how “unfeminine” men are because they are less expressive and how “unmasculine” women because they can be undecisive all we are doing is perpetuating the oppositions that separate us instead of our humanness that can bring us together as learners and our vulnerability that can help us problem solve with our strengths and weaknesses that will make us stronger if we work together.

There was an article published in 2010, about how if you put more women in a group of people the “collective intelligence” increases – the group works better together.  I’m sure there’s some tipping point though that if the group has all women there are diminishing returns for this measure.  There has to come a time when we value the relationships in our learning, our work and our classrooms and as teachers foster all of these traits to the best of our abilities.

A Total Win…with lots of understanding

Before I left for the Anjs S. Greer Math Conference last week, I read an amazing blog entry at the Math Ed Matters website by Dana Ernst and Angie Hodge that was talking about Inquiry-Based Learning and the mantra “Try, Fail, Understand, Win.”  The idea came from one of Prof. Ernst’s student course evaluations this past spring as his student summed up his learning experience in such an IBL course.  This blog post was so meaningful to me because for each of these four words, the authors wrote how we as teachers (and teacher educators) can take this student’s perspective towards our own work.  I decided to attempt to take this attitude going off to my own conference with two courses to give and three smaller talks.  It was sure to be a busy week.

And in fact, it really was.  I had very little time to sit and listen to others’ work, which I really was quite sad about.  However, in my own classes I was so impressed with the amount of enthusiasm and excitement my participants had for PBL and their own learning.  As I sat in front of my computer this morning reading the course evaluations and their tremendously helpful input, it finally occurred to me how truly powerful the experience had been for my participants.  Many of them became independent thinkers and knowers about PBL and feel so much more knowledgeable and prepared for the fall.    Part of the class time is spent in “mock PBL class” where I am the teacher/facilitator and they are the students doing problem presentations.  We then sit and talk about specific pedagogical questions and distinctions in classroom practice.  Some of the class time is spent in challenging problem solving which is where I also learn so much from the participant’s different perspectives. “We win when we realize there’s always something we can do better in the classroom” – as Ernst and Hodge write.

The now Infamous ‘French Garden’ Problem

I want to give a huge shout out to all of my participants from last week and encourage them to keep in touch with me.  Many of you wrote in your evaluations that you still have many questions about your practice and how to integrate your vision of PBL in your classroom.  I will always be only an email away and hope that you continue to question your practice throughout the year.

My plan is to try to write some blog posts at the end of the summer/beginning of the year in order to respond to some of the remaining questioning while you plan for the beginning of the school year such as:

  1. How to plan for week one – writing up a syllabus, creating acceptable rules
  2. Helping students who are new to PBL transition to it
  3. Assessment options – when to do what?
  4. Working hard to engage students who might not have the natural curiosity we assume

If you can think of anything else that you might find helpful, please post a comment or send me a message and I’d be happy to write about it too!  Thanks again for all of your feedback from the week and I look forward to further intellectual conversation about teaching and PBL.

Creating a Conspiracy in the PBL Classroom

Any Mad Men fans out there?  I just love some of the characters and the struggles they put themselves through.  In one episode from season 5, called “Signal 30,” Lane Pryce needs to take some clients out to dinner and Roger Sterling is giving him some advice on how to woo them to sign a contract with Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce.  Since he is not an account man, Lane is nervous about landing the account.

Roger:  And then it’s kind of like being on a date.

Lane:  Flattery, I suppose…

Roger:  Within reason, but I find it best to smile and sit there like you’ve got no place to go and just let ‘em talk.  Somewhere in the middle of the entrée, they’ll throw out something revealing and you want to wait ‘til dessert to pounce on it. You know, let him know you’ve got the same problem he has.  Whatever it is, and then you’re in a conspiracy – the basis of a quote “friendship”.  Then you whip out the form.

Lane:  What if I don’t have the same problem?

Roger:  It’ll probably be something like he drinks too much, he gambles…I once went on a five minute tear about how my mother loved my father more than me and I can assure you, that’s impossible.

Lane:  Very good then, and if for some reason he’s more reserved?

Roger:  You just reverse it – feed him your own personal morsel.

Lane:  Oh I see.

Roger: (getting up to leave) That’s it, get your answers, be nice to the waiter and don’t let him near the check.

My husband and I watched this episode about the same time I was having a great deal of resistance in my class to PBL.  I was talking to my husband about how to get students to buy into the notion of learning for the sake of learning where everywhere else in their lives what measures their learning are their grades.  Why would I expect anything different from them if this is the culture they were brought up in?  They depend on their grades to get them into a good college and if their grades are not up to a certain standard, they will not “measure up.”

I get this question all the time from other teachers – about  how to motivate students to find the love of learning and the interest in problems when they do not necessary know the solution methods to find them.  I usually tell them the same things – talking about the values of the class, grading class contribution with a viewable rubric,  grading their metacognitive journal writing, rewarding them with an interesting relationship with a great teacher…OK that might be pushing it.

However, this year is different.  I am having the hardest time trying to let them know what I want from them.  They do the homework, try their best, write down notes, but for some reason it feels different.  It’s almost as if there’s this wall between them and me and I don’t know how to get them to see my side.  I have had this problem with students in the past, but usually with a whole class.  Some of them blatantly are interrupting each other and others are obviously ignoring each other.

Then my husband says, “Maybe it’s like the conspiracy.”  I said, “What?” He said,” You know, what Roger was talking about on Mad Men.  Now, Roger Sterling is no saint (those of you who watch the show know this all too well) and I usually take what he says with a grain of salt.  I also would not ever consider taking advice from him, especially about teaching, but I allowed my husband to continue.  He said maybe what I had to do was build up the conspiracy that Roger was talking about.  I had a real problem with that because I am so committed to relational pedagogy that there’s no way I could lie to or mislead a student about their learning.  But that’s not what he really meant.

I suddenly realized that what had happened was I was teaching a curriculum that I didn’t even buy into.  I had just finished teaching them matrices and matrix operations with some problems that I had written, and it went very well.  However, in the end I did have to do Cramer’s Rule and determinants.  I tried motivating the problems about determinants with the area of a parallelogram, which kept them interested for a while, but in the end, with a 3×3 it was just here’s the way to do it.  I’m not sure that I could’ve expected them to have enough prior knowledge to derive the formula for finding a determinant of a 3×3.  As much as I tried to cover it up with problem-based learning, it was still a curriculum that is antiquated and not necessarily what I felt they should be doing and learning.  I couldn’t hide it any longer.

But we’re caught aren’t we?  Do we change the whole system – college prep curriculum, SAT required math, college expectations – and if so how do we do that? (see for a great article on this and a keynote address called Reflections on a 119 year old curricullum!)  Do we move beyond the required standardized testing material and allow our students to see mathematics the way we see it?  Yes, that’s the conspiracy – that’s what my husband was talking about.  When kids complain to me, I will “smile and sit there while they talk” knowing that I’m going to try to get something that we have in common.  “Do you hate solving a system of three equations with three unknowns with a determinant? Oh yeah, I did too in high school.  Wouldn’t it be great if we could do something else?  What else should we do?  Let me find some other problems that might be interesting.”  We have the same problem (literally and figuratively), now we’re on the same playing field having similar motivating factors.

And you know what?  I don’t think it would be the end of the world if they’re not revealing and you reversed it.  We are allowed to say to them that we don’t understand why we are still teaching this and these would be my reasons for taking it out of the curriculum – part of your own personal morsel.  It might actually bring you closer as a class and have you talking about how your hands are tied and we have to get through this “together.”

Yeah, there are little tricks that can be learned and carrots that can be used to get students to do what you want them to do, but in PBL, that’s not the point.  There is very little for them to mimic because it is based on their prior knowledge.  They are the ones who need to move the curriculum forward.  So in a nutshell,

  1. Take action – Get to problems in order for students to start feeling empowered and active in class.  Once they see that they are capable of a great deal on their own, it is amazing what they can accomplish.
  2. Create relationships – be sure that you are being reciprocal in your attempts at problems and valuing theirs.  The concept of Relational Trust and Authority are huge parts of a PBL pedagogy (Boaler, Bingham)
  3. But make sure that you are at least somewhat in control in the end because we are, at least for now, still responsible for making sure that some understanding of what we might consider unnecessary skills, for their next courses or future use.

As Roger said, “Get your answers, be nice to the waiter and don’t let ‘em near the check.”  Create that conspiracy.




What’s the “P” in PBL?

One of the issues I talk about a lot with people who are interested in Problem-Based Learning is the “continuum” of integration that I use to tell people how they can implement it in their classroom. How do you want to incorporate the teaching with problems in your classroom? Magdalene Lampert wrote a wonderful book called Teaching Problems and the Problems with Teaching in which she chronicled her journey of teaching a fifth grade classroom for a year with problems (it’s an awesome book, BTW). The way in which you use the problems, the pedagogy you use, and the classroom community you set (the lack of hierarchy, the authority you allow the kids to have, the safety of the risk-taking, etc.) is all hugely important parts of the PBL environment. I found another “continuum” created by someone name Peter Skillen and a colleague named Brenda Sherry. Mr. Skillen, a lifelong educator from Toronto, Canada, doesn’t claim to be an expert in PBL, but has extensive experience in the world of education and has great ideas. Check out his blog if you have time.

He created a wonderful Continua to Consider for Effective PBL which I believe is definitely worth sharing. Although his “P” in PBL is Project, I believe his Continua (since there is more than one scale) is just as applicable to Problem-Based Learning. It reminds me a great deal of what I use in terms of implementation. He also has stated that anyone who would like to add categories should feel free, and I might actually work with that. His categories to consider are


These are amazing to start off with and I would probably add a few more to those including authority (although, I think this is what he’s getting at with trust and locus of control) and perhaps also change the “collaboration” one a bit. It is pretty tricky – this idea of interdependent, independent or dependent learning – dependent on what? The teacher, other students, a textbook? Very complex ideas at stake here. Different types of PBL are being considered and in different frameworks. But what he and his colleague have put together is amazing start to an important discussion.

In fact, it’s really important to decide what you mean my “PBL” is? Even on the public shared website for the American Education Research Association Special Interest Group for PBL there is a “Statement on Nomenclature” about what PBL might be interpreted as meaning. There is an acceptance that there is more than one, and in fact many, meanings for the acronym “PBL” and what one person thinks it is may not be the same as another. I am very open to the understanding that when some contacts me about their own school’s interest in using PBL, I have many questions for them before we start talking about implementation.

Not to belabor the great article by David Jonassen that was published in the Interdiscipliary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, (see my other blogpost Worked Examples in PBL) but I really like the distinction he makes between Project-Based and Problem-Based Learning. What it comes down to for him really is the authenticity of the problem. It’s not really about how many, what kind, or how big the problems are that you have the students do. What it is about how did you plan (or not plan) the problems. He is calling it the difference between “emergent authenticity” and “preauthentication.” (definitions by Jonassen (2011). Supporting Problem Solving in PBL. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem Based Learning 5 (2)).

Emergent Authenticity is when “problems occur during practice within a disciplinary field by engaging in activities germane to the field.” In other words, this is more like when you pose a problem to the students that is something that a mathematician might encounter in real life and an answer is truly unknown (like in real life!!) and they are engaging in that activity of not really knowing that answer and grappling with finding the tools and resources that they need to move forward to find a solution. That is when the authenticity of the problem (or project) is actually emerging as authentic.

Preauthentication is “analyzing activity systems and attempting to simulate an authentic problem in a learning environment.” In high school mathematics classes, this when the teacher knows they want their students to learn something specific from engaging in a specific type of problem or series of problems (mostly like what I do in my curriculum, honestly) and they “set up” a problem-solving situation, but make the kids think that it’s novel. The learning experience has already been analyzed by the teacher and the teacher is giving the students the authority to do the problem at their own pace and draw conclusions, struggle on their own. However, there is some control because it is really only a “simulation” and the teacher actually has more information that can be helpful in terms of learning outcomes, etc. The authenticity has already been “preauthenticated” so that it simulates the experiences of a mathematician as much as possible, but still has the learning outcomes, goals or desired content objectives that might need to be fulfilled.

Which is better? I don’t believe there is a “better”. I believe there is what works for your school, pedagogical beliefs, student audience, teaching style, etc. All of these wonderful categories are what must be considered when you and your department start on the journey towards incorporating PBL into your curriculum. There are many great choices to be made, but it is a long journey and cooperation with lots of reflection are definitely needed. So much to consider.